Chamber has been acquired by Casa.

Chamber is your digital vault that secures your documents, notes, and passwords for the unexpected. Secured now and accessible to your friends & family when needed.

Create your emergency access plan or secure your financial and estate planning documents for free today.

About the founders

William Allen
Co-founder, CEO

Prior to co-founding Chamber, William was a VP at Adobe, leading Behance, Adobe Portfolio, & 99U, as well as co-founding the Content Authenticity Initiative.

He was the COO of Behance, Inc during their startup days and had previously helped launch at the TED Conferences.

Bryan Latten
Co-founder, CTO

Before Chamber, Bryan Latten was a VP of Engineering at Adobe, overseeing the company’s cloud formation, API management and 3rd party extensibility platforms and teams.

Bryan was one of the original engineering leaders for Behance, Inc and has been a long-term startup technical advisor.

Get started with Chamber

Secure and share your most important information.

© Prestige Labs, Inc

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