Estate planning made simple

Estate planning made simple

Estate planning made simple

5 minutes to jumpstart your estate plan 

Estate planning made simple

5 minutes to jumpstart your estate plan 

Let’s be honest: you probably don’t have a Last Testament & Will, or if you do, it’s outdated. You are in good company: the majority of Americans don’t have an estate plan at all.  

Should you at some point get an actual Last Testament & Will and Health Directives set up with an attorney you trust? Of course.  

But you can take five minutes right now to organize some important information, ensuring your friends and family have access to the information they need in case of an emergency.   Here's how.


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Create a new vault

Everything stored in a vault - notes, documents, recordings -  are secure and fully confidential thanks to our end-to-end encryption and passkey authentication.


Create an account on Chamber

In the first note, compile a list of your finances. Just writing down the name of the banks and financial institutions you use (such as Bank of America, Rocket Mortgage, Chase) and any property you own (such as a house or  cars) is sufficient. If you want to get more detailed, go for it.

In the second note, include information on how to access your physical devices such as your laptop or phone. You can either include this information directly by writing down your laptop’s password or phone’s passcode, or write down directions on where to find the physical copy.

In the third note, write down where you keep your various recovery keys or recovery kits if you want your family to have access to them. A few examples: Apple ID Recovery Key, FileVault Recovery Key, 1Password’s Emergency Kit, and how to access the seed phrases for any crypto you own.  You can record this information directly or simply provide instructions on where to find a physical copy.  


Add Trustees & Access Controls

It could be your children, parents, an attorney, or a close friend: you are in full control. You can optionally set specific access controls by requiring collaborative unlocking, scheduled access, or check-in required for your vault.


That's it - now go about your life with confidence.


Can I use this for passwords?

Absolutely. Your vaults are encrypted using zero-knowledge encryption. That means we can never see the contents of the documents, notes and passwords you secure.

Do you have enterprise solutions?

Yes! Send us a note at and we can help.

Where can I learn more?

Send us a message at


Can I use this for passwords?

Absolutely. Your vaults are encrypted using zero-knowledge encryption. That means we can never see the contents of the documents, notes and passwords you secure.

Do you have enterprise solutions?

Yes! Send us a note at and we can help.

Where can I learn more?

Send us a message at


Can I use this for passwords?

Absolutely. Your vaults are encrypted using zero-knowledge encryption. That means we can never see the contents of the documents, notes and passwords you secure.

Do you have enterprise solutions?

Yes! Send us a note at and we can help.

Where can I learn more?

Send us a message at

Get started with Chamber

Secure and share your most important information.

Get started with Chamber

Secure and share your most important information.

Get started with Chamber

Secure and share your most important information.

© Prestige Labs, Inc

© Prestige Labs, Inc

© Prestige Labs, Inc